The tables below list in detail the regularly occurring administrative tasks required by department administrators. Deadlines and documents are attached where required.

Quick Links: Frequency | July | August | September | October | November | December | January | February | March | April | May | June

Tasks to be done regularly

Frequency:Task:Description:Website / Location:Contact:
Review relevant HR reportsHR reports that are to be reviewed at the Unit/Departmental level.Self Service : Administration : HR Inquiry : Standard Report Frequency RecommendationsArea HR Representative/ Coordinator
WeeklySend emails to appropriate audience from the CLAS Business UpdatesWeekly email received from CLAS with announcements, reminders, due dates, policy implementation and changes.CLAS Business Updates and ArchiveRachel Spengler
MonthlyReview and Process TDRsFinancial reports to be processed. Area accountant
MonthlyStaff Meetings   
MonthlyOne-one staff meetings   
MonthlyAccount/spending plansMeet with faculty & accountant to discuss accounts and spending plans.  
MonthlyAccount balances and projectionsMeet with accountant to review account balances and projections. Area Accountant
MonthlyPayroll CutoffTypically 5 business days before the last day of the month, but can be earlier when there are holidays. See the Payroll calendar for specific dates.Payroll Calendars Payroll
QuarterlyHarassment Prevention TrainingQuarterly training due be 3/31, 6/30, 9/30, 12/31.  CLAS HR
QuarterlyDivest Foundation FundsDivest Foundation funds if there isn’t enough spendable cashUI Center for Advancement WebsiteArea Accountant

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Task:Description:Website / Location:Contact:
Process Graduate Assistant ReappointmentsGraduate Assistant Reappointment System closes August 9, 2024.Self Service : Administration : HR Online Update : Grad Asst ReappointmentsDepartment Admin or Delegate and Kristina Swanson
Fall TA AssignmentsAssign TAs to courses using the yearly TA allocation and requests as guidelines.CLAS Policy: Graduate Assistant Appointments, Reappointments, and TerminationDepartment Admin or Delegate and Kristina Swanson
Faculty % time changesInitiate forms for faculty who are changing percent time for AY.CLAS HR: Administrative Resources: Process a TransactionRyan Kirkey
LWOP and PDA formsContact CLAS HR Hub to process forms for faculty who are going on LWOP. PDA forms are submitted by individual faculty.CLAS HR: Administrative Resources: Process a Transaction

CLAS Policy: Professional Development Award (PDA) Recommendation & Approval
Catherine Moore (PDA)

Melia Pieper (LWOP)
Submit Staff Appreciation Grant applicationTo fund appreciation/recognition efforts.UI HR: Staff Appreciation Grant ProgramUniversity of Iowa Human Resources
Spring course offering scheduleSubmit Spring 2025 course offerings in MAUI. Planner closed on July 9, 2024.MAUI : Home : Registrar : Offerings Planner reg-maui-support@uiowa.eduDepartment Admin or Delegate
Review To Be Paid ReportReview that To Be Paid Report matches COS forms that were processed prior to July 1. Should review report monthly, but very important with start of the budget year.HRISCLAS HR Rep
Low enrolled coursesReview courses for low enrollment and cancel if needed.CLAS MAX : Course Planning and Enrollment : CLAS Low Enrollment ReportDepartment Admin or Delegate
Fall 2024 textbook(s) to be listed in MAUI  All textbook and resource orders for fall 2024 should be finalized in MAUI by Early Registration (April 8-26, 2024), but in no event later than four weeks prior to the start of the semester in which the textbook is to be used by students.CLAS Policy: Textbooks and Materials Policy

Resource/Report: Courses Textbook Report
Office of the Registrar
Visitor and Adjunct Faculty formsInitiate forms for visitor and adjunct faculty.CLAS HR: Administrative Resources: Process a TransactionJeff Donoghue

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Task:Description:Website / Location:Contact:
AY23-24 Development Leave (PDA) ReportsReports for leaves completed during AY2023-24 are due to DEO August 26; with DEO approval, due to Dean's Office September 2CLAS Policy: Professional Development Award (PDA) Recommendation & ApprovalCatherine Moore
P&T WorkshopP&T Workshop offered by Dean’s Office in person, August 27, 2024: 2:00-3:30pm in UCCCLAS Faculty Workshop ScheduleRachel Spengler
Instructional Facilities Governance ReportVerify fall course data as required by Board of Regents.

Fall 2023 report due August 30, 2023.
Office of the Registrar: Instructional Facilities Governance ReportAcademic Departmental Administrator role in MAUI
Summer course offering scheduleSummer 2025 course offering schedule due in MAUI. Offerings planner closed August 6, 2024.

Need to input faculty and TA salaries for summer. Refer to the summer session appointment process link here:
MAUI : Home : Registrar : Offerings Planner Department Admin or Delegate
Spring/Summer funding requestsSend out call to faculty and staff. Department Admin or Delegate
Food & Beverage and Recognition policiesReview and update the Food & Beverage and Recognition policies. Send updated policies to Kelly KauffmanCLAS Policy: Food and BeverageKelly Kauffman
Cash Handling policyReview and update departmental Cash Handling policy. Send updated policy to Kelly Kauffman.CLAS Policy: Cash HandlingKelly Kauffman
I9sContact CLAS HR Hub to process I-9 forms for newly funded graduate students and faculty.CLAS HR: Administrative Resources: I-9 ProcessingDepartment HR Rep
Low enrolled coursesReview courses for low enrollment and cancel if needed.CLAS MAX : Course Planning and Enrollment : CLAS Low Enrollment ReportDepartment Admin or Delegate
Collect and post faculty and graduate teaching assistants office hours for the current/upcoming sessionPost office hours for faculty and teaching assistants on office doors and the website. Department Admin or Delegate
Collect syllabi for DEO review and approvalSyllabi are due to the DEO two weeks prior to the start of classes for review and approval.CLAS Policy: Required Syllabus and Syllabus Insert

CLAS Policy: Syllabus Review by DEO (Undergraduate)
Department Admin or Delegate
TA ExpectationsSend beginning of semester TA expectation forms to faculty, who are to meet with TAs during first week of semester, return signed forms to admin for scanning/filing.UI HR: Graduate Teaching and Research Assistants (COGS)
Department Admin or Delegate and Employee Labor Relations
ESPA/ELPT Request for Evaluation for TA Certification FormsIf necessary for new fall TA, submit online Request for Evaluation form to ESL Office.

Deadline: August 1
Self Service : Administration : Forms : ESL TA CertificationESL Office
Mary Jo Small professional development applications dueThe Mary Jo Small Staff Fellowship is an award that University of Iowa staff members may use to help defray costs associated with regional, national, or international meetings or workshops, as well as a variety of other non-academic professional development opportunities on and off-campus.

Applications submitted by the February 28 deadline will be reviewed and announced in March. Applications submitted by August 31 will be reviewed and announced in September.
UI HR: Mary Jo Small Staff Fellowship AwardUI Learning and Development

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Task:Description:Website / Location:Contact:
Faculty Promotion DossiersWork with faculty working toward promotion to ensure they have their promotion dossier submitted to DEO by September 1 deadlinePromotion Review ProcessTiffany Schier
General Education CLAS Core ProposalsGeneral Education CLAS Core Proposals due September 4, 2024GE CLAS Core ProposalsMatt Shadle
Financial Sub-Certification dueFinancial Sub-Certification document due to CLAS.

Deadline: September 12, 2024
Controller's Office: Annual Financial Certification and Financial Sub-certificationArea Accountants
CLAS Annual Faculty MeetingsCLAS Annual Faculty Meeting: September 16, 2024:  3:30-5:00pm  
Newly Tenured Faculty WorkshopNewly Tenured Workshop offered by Dean’s Office. September 24, 2024 in person, 2:00-3:00pmCLAS Faculty Workshop ScheduleRachel Spengler
Quarterly SHPE deadlineAll faculty and staff must complete the Sexual Harassment Prevention Education (SHPE) every three years.

Deadline: September 30
Harassment Prevention Education Course InformationDivision of Access Opportunity & Diversity
PTEAP (post tenure effort allocation policy)PTEAP updates due to CLAS.

Review PTEAP filed in spring and report changes in faculty effort to Tiffany Schier.

Deadline: September 30
CLAS Policy: Post-tenure Effort Allocation Policy (Faculty)

Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost: PTEAP (login with HawkID and password)
Tiffany Schier
Effort Certification/Personal Activity Reports (PARs)PARS are due for faculty, Post-docs, and P&S staff by September 30, 2024CLAS Policy: Effort Reporting/Personnel Activity Report (PAR)Bob Le Sage (Grant Accounting), 335-0102 Department Admin Faculty
Instructional equipment proposalsInstructional equipment proposals due to CLAS.

Deadline: September 30, 2024
CLAS Policy: Instructional Equipment FundingMaggie Vogel
Funding requestsOrganize and send requests for funding to the Departmental Executive Committee  
Tenure Case materialsSend materials to external reviewersCLAS Website: Faculty Appointments & Review — Promotion and Tenure ReviewTiffany Schier
DCG meetingsSchedule DCG meetings for tenure cases and promotion casesCLAS Website: Faculty Appointments & Review — Promotion and Tenure ReviewTiffany Schier
Faculty reviewsSchedule for probationary, 3rd year, promotion/tenure, post-tenure (5 year peer review) and lecturers are found via Employee Self Service > Administration > Faculty Admin. Applications > Faculty Review Application.CLAS Policy: Faculty Reviews: General ProceduresTiffany Schier
Special Comp, PaymentsProcess special compensation payments for faculty overload and staff adjuncts based on enrollments on census day.Self Service : Administration : Systems : HR Transaction SystemJeff Donoghue
Remind faculty to review spring and summer course scheduleFaculty need to go into MyUI to review their spring and summer schedules for accuracy before students are able to enroll in courses. Offerings planner open for changes September 16 - 29, 2024. MyUI Course Browse and Schedule Builder are available to students September 30, 2024.MyUI CoursesDepartment Admin or Delegate

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Task:Description:Website / Location:Contact:
Faculty Request to Change Appointment %Proposals from faculty requesting to move all or part of their budgeted appointment to a different department of appointment, or for jointly appointed faculty to alter the percentage appointment in each department due to CLAS October 1, 2024.CLAS Procedures to Request Change in AppointmentTiffany Schier
Newly Promoted to Associate Professor of Instruction WorkshopNewly Promoted to Associate Professor of Instruction Workshop offered by Dean’s Office. October 1, 2024 in person, 2:30-3:30pmCLAS Faculty Workshop ScheduleRachel Spengler
ESPA/ELPT Request for Evaluation for TA Certification FormsIf necessary for new spring TA, submit online Request for Evaluation form to ESL Office.

TAPE fees assessed and billed.

Deadline: October 1
Self Service : Administration : Forms : ESL TA CertificationESL Office
Course Fee ProposalsSpring session course fee proposals due in MAUI by October 1.Office of the Registrar: Course Fee Information InformationOffice of the Registrar
Flex load assignment applications due to CLASFlexible Load Applications for 2025-26 are due to DEO October 7; with DEO approval, due to Dean’s Office October 21.CLAS Flexible Load AssignmentCatherine Moore
Capital Asset Management Inventory DueDepartment led inventory completion deadline: October 15, 2021.Controller's Office: Capital Assets ManagementCapital Assets Management
Faculty Review WorkshopOffered by Dean’s office each fall. In person, October 24, 2024, 2-3:30pmCLAS Faculty Workshop ScheduleTiffany Schier
Old Gold Summer Fellowship ApplicationsOld Gold Summer Fellowship for Summer 2024 Applications due to DEO October 30, 2023; with DEO approval, due to Dean’s Office November 13, 2023.CLAS Policy: Old Gold FellowshipsCatherine Moore
Old Gold Summer Fellowship ReportsFaculty who received an Old Gold Fellowship the previous summer must submit a report.

For fellowships completed summer 2023, due to DEO October 30, 2022; with DEO approval, due to Dean's Office November 13, 2023.
CLAS Policy: Old Gold FellowshipsCatherine Moore
May Brodbeck Humanities FellowshipMay Brodbeck Humanities Fellowship Applications for 2025-26 are due to DEO October 4; with DEO approval, due to Dean’s Office October 21Provost Application 
Fall course offering scheduleSubmit Fall 2025 course offerings in MAUI. Planner closed on November 5, 2024.MAUI Offerings PlannerDepartment Admin or Delegate
Teaching Assistant Observation due by 8th week of the semesterCLAS requires faculty who supervise TA instructors to observe and evaluate them by the 8th week of the semester.CLAS Policy: Evaluation of Teaching AssistantsChristine Getz
Initiate Change of Status (COS) forms – FacultyEnsure faculty are on correct MFKs for November 1 university snapshot (the official FTE headcount the University reports for the year, also reported based on funding source).

Departments should have all hires, appointment changes, termination/retirement/phased retirement, research/course releases, grant releases completed through workflow in time for the November 1 snapshot.
CLAS HR: Administrative Resources: Process a TransactionRyan Kirkey
Spring scholarshipsProcess Spring scholarships in MAUI.MAUI : Home : Scholarships & Grants Workflow – click on “recipient form” 
Innovation in Teaching with Technology AwardAward provides funding for innovative and results-oriented learning technology projects that raise the level of teaching and learning at UI and have the potential to directly impact student success and retention.Office of Teaching, Learning & Technology: Innovations in Teaching with Technology AwardsSteve Silva
Graduate Engagement Corps (GEC) Applications DueIntensive week-long interdisciplinary seminar for graduate students.
Office of Community Engagement: Graduate Engagement CorpsJennifer New
Global Research Partnership Award Proposals dueThe Global Research Partnership Award (GRPA) is intended to help initiate new or expand existing international partnerships and/or to build an institutional relationship to facilitate future joint research projects.

Deadline: October 15 of the calendar year prior to the one in which funding will be used.
International Programs: Global Research Partnerships AwardAmy Welter
Developmental Sciences Hybridoma Bank award applicationThe Developmental Sciences Hybridoma Bank (DSHB) Awards provide support to tenured CLAS faculty for an approved research project within the humanities. The award is expected to result in at least one project for publication, or a national/ international presentation.

Due to DEO October 23 and due to Dean with DEO approval November 6, 2023.
CLAS Policy: DSHB Humanities Scholar AwardCatherine Moore
Exceptional Performance Awards for P&S Staff dueAward (funded by the department) for staff exceptional performance.

Deadline: October 15
Flex Pay Awards PolicySenior Director of HR

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Task:Description:Website / Location:Contact:
Faculty 5-Year Hiring Plans5 Year Faculty Hiring Plans due to CLAS November 1, 2024CLAS File CabinetTiffany Schier
P&T Committee Report DueBy the first working day of November, the Departmental Promotion Committee report is due, utilizing CLAS templatePromotion Review ProcessTiffany Schier
Preliminary Promotion Records DueAfter P&T Committee Report has been added to the Promotion Record, submit bookmarked PDF to CLAS for preliminary review. Due November 1.Promotion Record Submission ProcessTiffany Schier
FY2025 P3 Proposals DuePreliminary proposals for FY2025 P3 initiatives to support the University of Iowa 2022-2027 Strategic Plan due by November 6, 2023. Discuss proposal with Area AD prior to submissionPreliminary Proposal - Call for Submissions 
Spring 2025 textbook(s) to be listed in MAUI  All textbook and resource orders for spring 2025 should be finalized in MAUI by Early Registration (November 11, 2024), but in no event later than four weeks prior to the start of the semester in which the textbook is to be used by students.CLAS Policy: Textbooks and Materials

Resource/Report: Courses Textbook Report
Department Admin or Delegate
Begin monitoring low enrollments during Early Registration Period for Spring SessionMonitor low enrollments through the registration period. Consult DEO on recommendations for consolidation and/or cancellation of low enrolled courses.

Spring 2025 early registration: November 11 - December 6, 2024.
MyUI Courses

Resource/Report: Instructional Capacity – Matching Section Offerings to Demand
Department Admin or Delegate
Last Day to Drop CoursesLast day for students to drop individual semester-length courses without collegiate approval: November 18, 2024Registrar Date by Session 
Faculty Deployment Charts Due2025-26 Faculty Deployment Charts (previously called “airline seating charts”) due to CLAS. Faculty hiring plans will not be considered unless a deployment chart is submitted. Due November 15, 2024.Process and Template
CLAS File Cabinet
Tiffany Schier
TA Allocation requests and TA linesEvaluate program TA allocation requests and award TA lines to programs for spring.CLAS Policy: Teaching Assistant AllocationsKristina Swanson
Overload/adjunct offer lettersComplete overload and adjunct offer letters for Spring, send for review and signatures.  CLAS Policy: Fixed-Term Faculty Policy (Adjunct/Visitor)

Offer letters available in ALT ICON Site.
Tiffany Schier
New TA offer lettersComplete new TA offer letters for Spring, send for review and signatures.CLAS Policy: Graduate Assistant Appointments, Reappointments, and TerminationCatherine Moore
Update Departmental Disaster Preparedness PlanTypically receive email from HR to initiate updates.

Review annually to ensure contacts are up to date.
UI HR: Disaster PreparednessSenior Director of HR
TA Evaluation formsSend departmental TA evaluation forms to faculty to complete for each TA by the last week of the semester.CLAS Policy: Evaluation of Teaching AssistantsCatherine Moore
End of semester potluckNormally, plan end of semester potluck (if your area has one).  
Thanksgiving Break office hours/closing  Notify Dean's office if you modify Thanksgiving Break office hours. Include primary contact on days that are not standard University Holidays. Becca Tritten
(IOWA) Improving Our Workplace Award nominations due  To recognize someone who is making a positive difference in the results your workplace is achieving.

Deadline: November 1
UI HR: Improving Our Workplace Award (I.O.W.A.)UI Learning and Development
President and Provost Awards for Teaching Excellence nominations dueRecognizing faculty for teaching excellence over a three-year period.

Deadline: November 1, 2024
Council on Teaching: Teaching AwardsCatherine Moore
Mary Louise Kelly Award nominations dueAward to support CLAS staff with job-related continuing education and professional activity.

Application deadline: November 10, 2023
CLAS Website: Mary Louise Kelley Professional Development AwardMelia Pieper
International Programs' Major Projects AwardInternational Programs' Major Projects Award promotes important contributions to scholarly debates and exchanges on international topics, issues, discoveries, and arts.

Deadline: November 20 of the academic year prior to the one in which funding programming would take place
International Programs: Major Projects Awards Amy Welter

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Task:Description:Website / Location:Contact:
P&T casesTenure and Instructional Track Promotion cases due to CLAS December 2, 2024

Promotion to Full Professor cases due to CLAS December 9, 2024.
CLAS Website: Faculty Appointments & ReviewTiffany Schier
Graduate student appointments/ reappointmentsProcess graduate student appointments and reappointments (only open for a limited time, usually mid-December until the Friday before classes begin for the Spring semester). Consult Business Brief for annual date range.

Dates Grad Reappointment system open:  December 2, 2024 - January 17, 2025
New: Submit transactions to HR Hub. 

Reappointment: Self Service : Administration : HR Online Update : Grad Asst Reappointments
Kristina Swanson
2025-2026 Visitor and Adjunct Requests due2025-26 Visitor and Adjunct Requests due in CLAS MAX by December 6, 2024Process
Jeff Donoghue
TA Teaching EvaluationMeet with TAs to review teaching evaluation forms.  
Fall TerminationsProcess Fall terminations for TA/RA, adjunct, faculty and staff.CLAS HR: Administrative Resources: Process a TransactionTA and RA: Kristina Swanson

Staff and Adjunct: Jeff Donoghue

Faculty: Ryan Kirkey
Spring TA AssignmentsAssign spring TAs to sections in MAUI.  
Staff holiday lunchPlan staff holiday lunch/virtual celebration.  
Winter Break office hours/closingNotify Dean's office if you modify Winter Break office hours. Include primary contact on days that are not standard University Holidays. Becca Tritten
Perry A. and Helen J. Bond Fund for Interdisciplinary Interaction proposals dueBond funds are intended to promote interdisciplinary events (new).

Deadline: Dec 1 and May 1 each year
CLAS Policy: Perry A. and Helen J. Bond Fund for Interdisciplinary InteractionBecca Tritten

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Task:Description:Website / Location:Contact:
Special Comp PaymentsProcess special compensation payments for faculty overload and staff adjuncts based on enrollments on census day (10th business day of semester).CLAS HR: Administrative Resources: Process a TransactionJeff Donoghue
TA ExpectationsSend beginning of semester TA expectation forms to faculty, who are to meet with TAs during first week of semester, return signed forms to admin for scanning/filing.  
I9sComplete forms with newly funded graduate students and faculty; also update section 3 with new start date if there has been ANY break in service. Adjunct technically breaks every semester. Department HR Rep
Low enrolled coursesReview courses for low enrollment and cancel if needed (also good to check after early registration is complete in December).CLAS MAX : Course Planning and Enrollment : CLAS Low Enrollment ReportDepartment Admin or Delegate
General Education CLAS Core ProposalsGeneral Education CLAS Core Proposals due January 29, 2025GE CLAS Core ProposalsMatt Shadle
Collect and post faculty and graduate teaching assistants office hours for the spring semesterPost office hours for faculty and teaching assistants on office doors and the website. Departments are encouraged to use the term "walk in hours" rather than "office hours". Department Admin or Delegate
Collect syllabi for DEO review and approvalSyllabi are due to the DEO two weeks prior to the start of classes for review and approval.CLAS Policy: Required Syllabus and Syllabus Insert

CLAS Policy: Syllabus Review by DEO (Undergraduate)
Department Admin or Delegate
Change of Status (COS) Forms – FacultyInitiate COS forms to bring faculty back to budgeted salary, effective July 1, 20XX.CLAS HR: Administrative Resources: Process a TransactionRyan Kirkey
Termination Forms – FacultyInitiate termination forms for faculty retiring/resigning at end of academic year.CLAS HR: Administrative Resources: Process a TransactionDepartment HR Rep
Graduate student appointments/ reappointments (see also in December)Process graduate student appointments and reappointments (only open for a limited time, usually mid-December until the Friday before classes begin for the Spring semester). Consult Business Brief for annual date range.

Dates Grad Reappointment system open:  December 2, 2024 - January 17, 2025 
New: Submit transactions to HR Hub. 

Reappointment: Self Service : Administration : HR Online Update : Grad Asst Reappointments
Kristina Swanson
General Catalog updatesGeneral Catalog updates due in February.

Catalog open for edits: November 4, 2024 - February 17, 2025


General Catalog Dates

Registrar Publications
Review bi-weekly student employmentTerminate employees that are no longer working in department or are not registered for spring 2025. Department HR Rep
MAUI Offerings Planner Open for Fall ReviewFall 2025 offerings planner open for department review January 20 - February 2, 2025.MAUI : Home : Registrar : Offerings PlannerDepartment Admin or delegate
CLAS Dissertation Writing FellowshipDeadline: January 27, 2025CLAS Website: CLAS Dissertation Writing FellowshipsCatherine Moore
Alumni Award nominations due  Distinguished Alumni recognizes individuals for outstanding achievement or service.

Nominations for the 2025 awards may be submitted at any time, but should be postmarked no later than January 31, 2025.
UI Center for Advancement: The University of Iowa Distinguished Alumni AwardsNici Bontrager
First-year seminarProposals are due to CLAS.

Deadline: January 31, 2025 (tentative date)
CLAS Policy: First-Year SeminarAngela Lamb
DSHB Humanities Scholar reports dueReports for DSHB Humanities Scholar Award during 2023-24 due to DEO and Dean’s Office January 1DHSB Humanities Scholar Award 
Ida Beam applicationsIda Beam Distinguished Visiting Professor Applications due to DEO January 31; with DEO approval, due to Dean's Office February 14Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost: Ida Cordelia Beam Distinguished Visiting Professorships ProgramAssociate Provost for Faculty
Susan C. Buckley Distinguished Achievement Award for Staff nominations dueAward recognizes staff that serve as mentors/role models for women/girls and contributions of significant impact through leadership, innovation, and/or subject matter expertise.

Deadline: January 6, 2023
Celebration of Excellence and Achievement Among Women: Distinguished Achievement AwardJionting Hu
CLAS Alumni Fellows nominations due to CLASTo recognize former undergraduate and graduate students for their contributions to society, their professions, CLAS, and UI.

Deadline: January 27, 2023
CLAS Website: Alumni FellowsLisa Gray

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Task:Description:Website / Location:Contact:
Staff Performance ReviewsBegin the process for staff performance reviewsCLAS Policy: Staff Performance ReviewsUnit HR Rep
Course Fee ProposalsSummer and Fall session course fee proposals due in MAUI by February 1.CLAS Policy: Course Fee Calculation, Submission, and ApprovalJennifer Eimers
Student Technology FeesProposals are due to CLAS.

Deadline: February 1, 2025
CLAS Policy: Student Technology Fee AwardsJonna Higgins Freese
Preparing for Promotion to Full Professor WorkshopPreparing for Promotion to Full Professor Workshop offered by Dean’s Office in person: February 11, 2025.Faculty Workshop RegistrationRachel Spengler
Preparing for Promotion to Associate Professor WorkshopPreparing for Promotion to Associate Professor Workshop offered by Dean’s Office in person: February 20, 2025.Faculty Workshop RegistrationRachel Spengler
Preparing for Instructional Track Promotion WorkshopPreparing for Promotion in the Instructional Track Workshop offered by Dean’s Office in person: February 25, 2025.Faculty Workshop RegistrationRachel Spengler
Report on outside professional activities due (eCOI)The Conflict of Interest in the Workplace policy requires that all University of Iowa employees disclose any potential or actual conflicts of interest in the workplace in advance of initiating an activity or when the employee, in the exercise of reasonable diligence, first becomes aware of the conflict or the potential for conflict.Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost: Conflicts of Commitment and Interest Policies at the University of IowaAssociate Provost for Faculty

University Human Resources
MyUI Course Browse available for FallRemind faculty to review fall course schedule before students register; faculty need to go into MyUI to review their fall schedules for accuracy.

Fall 2025 course browse and Schedule Builder available in MyUI to students on February 3, 2025.
MyUI CoursesDepartment Admin or Delegate
CQIContinuous quality improvement project for Regents (CQUI) due.Sent by Jennifer EimersJennifer Eimers
Summer DEO formsInitiate the summer DEO forms.CLAS HR: Administrative Resources: Process a Transaction Ryan Kirkey
International Engagement Teaching Award CLAS/International Programs award.

Deadline: February 9, 2022
CLAS Policy: CLAS International Engagement in Teaching Award for FacultyCatherine Moore
Nominations for CLAS Staff CouncilThe Staff Council Ad Hoc Committee is seeking nominations for CLAS Staff Council.

Nomination form open February 6-10, 2023
CLAS Staff Council Website: ElectionsLisa Gray
Discovery and Innovation AwardsAwards to recognize faculty, staff and student research, laboratory safety, and mentorship in the areas of discovery, innovation, and leadership development.

Deadline: February 7, 2023
Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost: Discovery and Innovation awardsCheryl Ridgeway
Distinguished Research Administrator AwardAward is given annually to recognize staff members who performed exceptional service in support of research at the University of Iowa by exploring funding opportunities, assisting in grant proposal preparation, submission, post-award administration, and operational support.

Deadline: February 7, 2023
Office of the Vice President for Research: Distinguished Research Administrator AwardCheryl Ridgeway
Hancher-Finkbine CLAS Faculty & Staff MedallionAward to recognize a faculty member whose hard work has made a significant contribution to the UI Community, specifically surrounding Learning - Leadership - Loyalty.

Deadline: January 31, 2025
Division of Student Life Website: The Hancher-Finkbine AwardOffice of the Dean of Students
2023-24 Collegiate Teaching Award Nominee Proposal dueProposals from departments for awards recognizing faculty for teaching excellence over a three-year period. 

Nomination materials due February 12, 2025.
CLAS Policy: Collegiate Teaching AwardCatherine Moore
Michael J. Brody Award for Excellence in ServiceFaculty deserving of service excellence recognition from the President and Provost Office.

Deadline: February 7, 2025
Faculty Senate: Michael J. Brody AwardLaura Zaper
Jean Y. Jew Women’s Rights AwardCandidates who have demonstrated outstanding effort/achievement in improving the status of women at the University.

Deadline: February 10, 2025
Division of Student Life: Women's Resource and Action Center: Scholarships and
Mary Jo Small Staff Fellowship AwardThe Mary Jo Small Staff Fellowship is an award that University of Iowa staff members may use to help defray costs associated with regional, national, or international meetings or workshops, as well as a variety of other non-academic professional development opportunities on and off-campus.

Applications submitted by February 28 will be reviewed and announced in March.
UI HR: Mary Jo Small Staff Fellowship AwardUI Learning and Development
Iowa Faculty Scholar AwardAward to recognize outstanding UI faculty members and provides each awardee with funds for a period of three years to enhance their scholarly activities with the goal of developing and supporting a cadre of UI scholars across a broad array of academic disciplines.

Deadline: February 14, 2025
Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost: Iowa Mid-Career Faculty Scholar AwardBecca Tritten
The Lola Lopes Award for Undergraduate Student AdvocacyTo honor a University of Iowa administrator, staff member, or faculty member (in a non-teaching role) who supports undergraduate education and who serves as a strong, effective advocate for undergraduate students.

Deadline: February 7, 2025
Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost: Lola Lopes Award for Undergraduate Student AdvocacyAngie Cochran
Outstanding Teaching Assistant AwardsTeaching assistants from all academic units may be nominated for these awards.

Deadline: February 26, 2025
Council on Teaching: Outstanding Teaching Assistant AwardsCouncil on Teaching
Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award nominations dueAward recognizes exemplary mentoring of doctoral students by members of the UI graduate faculty.

Deadline: February 3, 2025
Graduate College: Faculty Mentor AwardKathy Klein Gerling

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Task:Description:Website / Location:Contact:
Instructional Track Reappointment and Clinical Track Reappointment Reviews DueReappointment reviews of Instructional Track and Clinical Track faculty due to CLAS.

Deadline: March 5, 2024
CLAS Policy: Faculty Reviews: Instructional Track

CLAS Policy: Appointment and Review of Clinical Faculty
Tiffany Schier
Probationary Faculty Third-Year Reviews DueThird year reviews of probationary faculty due to CLAS.

Deadline: March 14, 2025
CLAS Policy: Faculty Reviews: ProbationaryTiffany Schier
Annual Reviews of Probationary Faculty, Instructional Track Faculty and Clinical Track Faculty DueAnnual reviews of probationary faculty, instructional-track faculty, and clinical track faculty due to CLAS.

Deadline: March 14, 2025
CLAS Policy: Faculty Reviews: Probationary

CLAS Policy: Faculty Reviews: Instructional Track

CLAS Policy: Appointment and Review of Clinical Faculty
Tiffany Schier
Divestiture of UI Center for Advancement FundsUI Center for Advancement (UI Foundation) funds must be divested by end of month.Forms for transfers and divestments found in Foundation folderArea accountant
Begin monitoring low enrollments during Early Registration Period for Summer SessionMonitor low enrollments through the registration period. Consult DEO on recommendations for consolidation and/or cancellation of low enrolled courses.

Summer 2025 early registration is March 10-14, 2025
MAUI: Course offerings or MyUI Courses

Resource/Report: Instructional Capacity – Matching Section Offerings to Demand
Department Admin or Delegate
Staff Performance Reviews DueAnnual reviews of staff due to CLAS.

Deadline: March 31
CLAS Policy: Staff Performance ReviewsUnit HR Rep
CLAS Outstanding Outreach and Public Engagement AwardTo honor a CLAS faculty member who has engaged in activities that bring the University to broader communities in significant and sustained ways.

Deadline: March 15, 2024
CLAS Policy: CLAS Outstanding Outreach and Public Engagement AwardCatherine Moore
Improving Our Workplace Award (I.O.W.A.)To recognize someone who is making a positive difference in the results your workplace is achieving.

Deadline: March 15
UI HR Website: Improving Our Workplace Award (I.O.W.A.)UI Learning and Development
Exceptional Performance Awards for P&S Staff DueAward (funded by the department) for staff exceptional performance.

Deadline: March 15
Flex Pay Awards PolicySenior Director of HR

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Task:Description:Website / Location:Contact:
Salary App OpensEarly April (tentative): Salary App opens for DEOs and Admins to submit staff and postdoc merit salary increase requests.More information forthcoming 
Promotion & TenureBy April 1, candidate informs DEO of intent.

DEO informs candidate of promotion process for review and, by April 15, forwards names of faculty who have requested promotion for upcoming year.
Promotion Review ProcessTiffany Schier
Annual Tenured Faculty Reviews DueAnnual reviews of Tenured Faculty due to CLAS.

Deadline: April 11, 2025
CLAS Policy: Faculty Reviews: Annual Review of Tenured FacultyTiffany Schier
5-Year Peer Reviews due5-Year Peer Review of Tenured Faculty due

Deadline: April 11, 2025
CLAS Policy: Five-Year Peer Review of Tenured FacultyTiffany Schier
PDA ApplicationsProfessional Development Award Applications for 2026-2027 due to DEO March 24; with DEO approval, due to Dean's Office on April 8, 2025CLAS Policy: Professional Development Award (PDA) Recommendation & ApprovalCatherine Moore
PTEAP (Post-Tenure Allocation Effort)PTEAP is due; Faculty need to complete the PTEAP, but Admins can enter information for them. The new PTEAP application is in Self-Service.

Deadline: April 5, 2025
CLAS Policy: Post-tenure Effort Allocation Policy (Faculty)

Provost Website: PTEAP (login with HawkID and password)
Tiffany Schier
Visiting Faculty Reviews DueAnnual Visiting Faculty reviews are due to CLAS.

Deadline: April 25, 2025
CLAS Policy: Faculty Reviews: VisitingTiffany Schier
Begin monitoring low enrollments during Early Registration Period for Fall SessionMonitor low enrollments through the registration period. Consult DEO on recommendations for consolidation and/or cancellation of low enrolled courses.

Fall 2025 early registration: April 7-25, 2025
MAUI : Course Offerings or MyUI Courses

Resource/Report: Instructional Capacity – Matching Section Offerings to Demand
Department Admin or Delegate
Fall textbook(s) to be listed in MAUIAll textbook and resource orders for Fall 2025 should be finalized in MAUI by Early Registration (April 7, 2025), but no later than four weeks prior to the start of the semester in which the textbook is to be used by students.CLAS Policy: Textbooks and Materials Policy

Resource/Report: Courses Textbook Report
Registrar's Office
Offer LettersComplete summer faculty, adjunct and TA offer letters. Submit appointment transactions to HR Hub

Reappointed Graduate Assistants must receive their reappointment letters for fall semester no later than April 15.
CLAS Policy: Fixed-Term Faculty Policy (Adjunct/Visitor)

CLAS Policy: Graduate Assistant Appointments, Reappointments, and Termination

Offer letters available in ALT ICON Site.
Jeff Donoghue
Salary App ClosesSalary App closes for DEOs and Admins to submit staff and postdoc merit salary increases. DEO submits faculty ranking spreadsheets to CLAS.

Deadline: TBA
 Tom Koeppel
Annual Disclosure of Outside Professional Activities and Interests dueFaculty eCOI disclosure due April 30, 2024.Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost: Conflicts of Commitment and Interest Policies at the University of IowaBecca Tritten

Jan Waterhouse
Summer Research Faculty FormsWorkflow forms.CLAS HR: Administrative Resources: Process a TransactionJeff Donoghue
Spring Terminations  Process Spring terminations for TA/RA, adjunct, faculty and staff.CLAS HR: Administrative Resources: Process a TransactionTA and RA: Kristina Swanson

Staff and Adjunct: Jeff Donoghue

Faculty: Ryan Kirkey
Extend end dates for lecturers & 0% appointmentsProcess yearly Change of Status (COS) forms to extend the end dates for lecturers and 0% appointments.CLAS HR: Administrative Resources: Process a TransactionDepartment Admin or Delegate
Funding Proposals for Provost's Global ForumThe Provost’s Global Forum is the premier annual event on campus focused on international and global issues. The forum brings together experts from the faculty and leading voices from a variety of areas to raise awareness about and contribute to debate on the foremost issues in globalization that face us today.

Proposal deadline: April 1 of the academic year prior to the one in which funding programming would take place
International Programs: Provost's Global Forum AwardAmy Welter
Staff Award NominationsFaculty, staff, and students are invited to submit nominations for the first-ever CLAS Staff DEI Award, CLAS Leadership Award, and Mary Louise Kelley Staff Excellence Award.

Deadline: April 15, 2024
CLAS Website: Mary Louise Kelly Staff Excellence AwardsCLAS Staff Council

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Task:Description:Website / Location:Contact:
Request Permission to Offer Winter Session CoursesEmail AD Lang to request permission to add Winter 2023 courses to the planner by May 19, 2023.DEO Mailing: May 10: Reminder: Winter Session 2023 GuidelinesCornelia Lang
Adjunct faculty reviewsReview of adjunct faculty due to CLAS May 30, 2025.CLAS Policy: Faculty Reviews: AdjunctTiffany Schier
Strategic Plan Progress ReportsSubmit annual progress reports on department/division strategic plans to CLAS.

Deadline: May 30, 2025
CLAS File CabinetArea Associate Dean
Teaching Salaries (summer)Contact CLAS HR Hub to process faculty, adjunct and TA summer teaching salaries.CLAS HR: Administrative Resources: Process a Transaction

CLAS Policy: Summer/Winter Salary for Teaching a Course
Jeff Donoghue
Faculty other source summer fundingContact CLAS HR Hub to process faculty other source summer funding in workflow.CLAS HR: Administrative Resources: Process a TransactionRyan Kirkey
Spring/Summer teaching schedulesRequest the spring/summer teaching schedules from faculty and the adjunct spring/summer teaching schedules from area heads. Department Admin or Delegate
Department Carryover RequestsSubmit all carryover requests in the CLAS MAX system by May 20, 2021. Jeff Donoghue
Graduate student appointments/ reappointmentsProcess graduate student appointments and reappointments.

Graduate Reappointment System open May 31 - August 9, 2024.
New: Submit transactions to HR Hub

Reappointment: HR Hub representative (with access, Self-Service : Human Resources Systems : Graduate Assistant Reappointment
Department Admin or Delegate
Fall scholarshipsProcess fall scholarships in MAUI.MAUI : Home : Scholarships & Grants WorkflowArea Accountants or Department Specific
If not done in April: Extend end dates for lecturers & 0% appointmentsProcess yearly Change of Status (COS) forms to extend the end dates for lecturers and 0% appointments.CLAS HR: Administrative Resources: Process a TransactionDepartment Admin or  Delegate
Summer Faculty FormsPolicies and procedures governing summer employment of faculty.CLAS Policy: Human ResourcesJeff Donoghue
Undergraduate Independent Study Enrollment Report  The Undergraduate Independent Study Enrollment Report due to CLAS.
CLAS Website: Teaching Policies & Resources — Undergraduate Independent Study ReportCornelia Lang
NOTE: Do not process forms that affect pay for July 1Contact CLAS HR Hub to process all HR forms prior to June 1 or in mid-July. This will avoid overriding changes made in the budget system. Department HR Rep
Nominations for Outstanding Staff Award, Board of Regents Staff Excellence Award, and David J. Skorton Staff Excellence Award in Service to The University of Iowa DueTo recognize staff for outstanding accomplishments and contributions that significantly benefited or brought honor or recognition to the University.

Deadline: TBD
Staff Council: Staff Council AwardsStaff Awards Committee

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Task:Description:Website / Location:Contact:
Winter course offering scheduleWinter 2025 course offerings due in MAUI. Planner closed June 7, 2025.MAUI : Home : Registrar : Offerings PlannerDepartment Admin or Delegate
Annual Staff Recognition EventMary Louise Kelly Staff Excellence, Leadership Award winners, Volunteer award winners and Years of Service employees are recognized.

June 15, 2023
CLAS Website: Staff Recognition ReceptionCLAS Staff Council
Fall teaching schedulesRequest the fall teaching schedules from faculty and the adjunct fall teaching schedules from area heads. Department Admin or Delegate
Space assignmentsAssign space for next academic year. Department Admin or Delegate
Office movesOrganize office moves for the next academic year. Department Admin or Delegate
Academic year picnicPlan beginning of academic year picnic. Department Admin or Delegate
Budget applicationYearly budget application.Financial Management and Budget: University BudgetTom Koeppel
Account closeoutsDepartments close out accounts.CLAS Policy: Budget and FinanceArea accountants
TerminationsAll terminations for current AY must be done before payroll cutoff.CLAS HR: Administrative Resources: Process a TransactionRyan Kirkey
NOTE: Do not process forms that affect pay for July 1Process all HR forms prior to June 1 or in mid-July. This will avoid overriding changes made in the budget system. Department HR Rep
Global Curriculum Development AwardAward is given to faculty creating a new undergraduate course, or substantially revising an existing course, in order to integrate international or global perspectives into an undergraduate major.

Deadline: June 1 of the academic year prior to one in which funded programming would take place.
International Programs: Global Curriculum Development AwardAmy Welter

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